This model was commisioned for 'Suicidal Admin' and the Homelands forums. Be nice, it took 7 hours to make :) Included is a .bsp to demonstrate both moving and static version of the crown, plus a .rmf so you can more easily add the model as I did for the bsp. Crown.mdl = static Crownmoving.mdl = 15fps rotating crown It's based on the the 'Imperial State Crown', which is currently housed in the Tower of London and is still used. It is 12.4 inches (31.5cm) in height, weighs 0.91kg (over 2lbs), and is set with over 3,000 precious stones, including the 317 carat Cullinan II! Included is a pictorial comparison between the real crown and my model. (the image used is © Crown copyright and was taken from - with no intention of profitable use) NOTE: The .bsp included is designed for TFC only. Enjoy! Edward Steele