Story: You where on route to the Black Mesa reserch labs in New Mexico to show them a report about a new defensive weapon, the conc grenade. But your plane was shot down and you and your co-workers are stranded in a remote area in the mountains. After walking a very far way looking for a city or at least a telephone, You all end up inside some sort of ancient ruins, "I guess we could use our concusion grenades to get out of all this" said the pilot of the plane, And there you go. You can only find out who created the map by completing it. Credit goes to: Beta Testers: --=<>=-- Dex Splat2817[SSO*hp*] BioMonkey Vertigo M4$+4 C0W Inferno_Acid SlipKnoTKills -=< Hopping Mad >=- Pulsedriver Gantic [c0rrupt] Cal Hefe Sniper911 Silky Saddam Raxor Rainmaker Textures: Cid