pipeheadz and (choons) made by [WRATH]-DrHeadz My first map, so easy on the piss take plz:) Ive included prez, and yes it is easy to get them to finish. After I completed pipeworld2001 by Jobabob, 100 plus times, It inspired me to make a map, as there are so many concmaps out and only 3 pipemaps that get played, the balance needs to be leveled out a wee bit, so decided to give it a go:) thx to, in alphabetical order:- Elfy, Evilgrin, JD*, knighty, kris, Viper for testing and Molly for hosting and a bit of testage:) Other note:- for those who dont know, WRATH clan were set up by JD* in memory of a fellow tfc gamer - Grapes who were taken on sept11 .