---------------------NC_CONC_2----------------------- --------------- n00b ConcerZ edition ---------------- by |M|ysti_cal| and Dollkopp Author: Date of final compile: 24.12.2002 time to produce: 1 Month type of map: Concmap players: 2 _____________________________________________________________ and special THX | | | | TO GRIZZLY and Spider.rM and Dross[KuH]for Helping me | ____________________________________________________________| Map Testers: Dollkopp, z!0n.snd, Dross[KuH], Crusher, Spider.rM Grizzly, Hades, Waschi ----------- Tryout for -[nC]- ------------ gtf_conc | concmap7 | concmap_nc | nc_conc_2 | and jump 1 - 4 on concmap_ni jump 7 and 8 on concmap_zg_r