Welcome To ESAD Race conc 2 Map Created By: [ESAD]Trojan Man ************** 1 vs 1 Rules: ************** When playing 1 vs 1 The first person to go through the end portal wins! ************** 2 vs 2 Rules: ************** When playing 2 vs 2 One person concs flag to end and at end the other team-mate picks up flag and brings it to the platform that lowers and starts the next lap. Once both player have completed a lap the race is over. ************** 3 vs 3 Rules: ************** When playing 3 vs 3 The same rules apply to this as in the 2 vs 2 except one more person has to complete a lap before race is over. ************** Thx For Playing! ************** Map Made For: www.concs-r-us.com Brought to you by: http://onoff3.ath.cx/esad.asp Beta Tested By: www.croodlabs.com ************** Contact: ************** #concs-r-us #esad ************** **************