August 11th, 2001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title : Concquest-r - A concmap for TFC :E (Revised edition) Filename : Author : Jon Chapman aka 'Bagpuss' or 'Merkaba' **If the fog on the later jumps is lagging you, please see the end of this file** Email Address : Homepage : N/A (Kind of Description : Concmap. An underground research group have sent you as part of a specialist team to locate the whereabouts of a dimensional portal in this area. Once found, entering the portal will result in your teleportation back to base due to a deveice in your backpack, and 64 points added to your score :) (Debriefing is actually in level too) Things fixed since original: Lots and lots of little things. * Play Information * Teamfortress : Yes Number of Teams : 4 - Red & Blue Are directed to an enclosed DM area. Green and Yellow are the concing team. Recommended # of Players : around 8 or a few more * Construction * Based on : Some place rocky. My weird imagination. Editor used : Worldcraft v. 3.3 Known Bugs : I'm not convinced that the "Ed Alloc: No free edicts" bug has gone, and this is a result of low memory on your PC. try freeing up some memory if you get this problem. If you use the fix for the fog you'll probably get a load of 'bad sprite' junk in the console. I dont know what causes this because I'm no good with making sprites, but it doesnt seem to cause any harm and I dont know how to fix it. Build Time : Ages. Compile machine : Atholon 1.2 Ghz 256 Mbs of RAM, runnign in HIHG priority mode (ie 100% CPU power) Compile time : 30 mins Textures : Mostly my own. Same boring grey rock texture all the way through :) Sounds : Credit goes to Tool for the sound files mantra.wav and 46&2.wav. Both are clips from songs of the same name. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALL INFORMATION: Unpack the .zip file into your Halflife directory. Example : c:/games/halflife/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLAY INFORMATION: Teams 1 and 2: Sent to a DM area, where you can DM your heart out. There are two 'levels'...the pack in the middle gives you ammo, the ones on the 2nd level at the side give you ammo, a bit of health and armour, and a few grenades. Teams 3 an 4: Conc. I'd set the skill level of this map at intermediate to hard. You may also spectate the DM area whilst you are still in the start base. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: It is possible to turn off the fog in the game. Rename the file cq_xsmoke1.spr in tfc/sprites/concquest/ to something like cq_xsmoke1.sp! Now rename cq_blank.spr to cq_xsmoke1.spr . All the fog and waterfall sprites should now be gone. Note that the map is still quite detailed, you may still experience some slowdown. This is a detailed map so low-end PC users may suffer. If thats the case...tough. You can play the other concmaps instead :) This information is also in sprites/concquest/remove_smoke.txt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL CREDITS TO: - All testers. Most of your names are in the map (Sorry if I missed some but I have a bad memory :E ) - TPC for their server and being a general all round top notch buncha guys - (pimp4ge) - Maker of Terragen - Tool for the wav files - My tree in the back garden for providing an excellent rock texture ^_^ - #tfc.mappers - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGAL INFORMATION: Authors may NOT use this map as a base to build additional maps without consulting me on the matter first. It may not be added to a part of a compliation of maps without my consent. For general information about the map, please mail me. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------