Concmap_tree - Treehugger.iM Hello it's me again! heres another concmap by me for you. all my jumps are by me and my own mind. i have other concmaps out too you can get them at i've made concmap_ks, concjump_8conc and concmap_tree - homepage - msn messenger, or e-mail 71902633 - icq wastedkila - aol instant messenger name Thanks to people who made this possible Worldcraft 3.3 Team Valve for the game.. and uhh... every one that beta tested for me you have to beat the level to see who :D or just go to spec mode Very Much Big Huge Ass Thanks for the stereo by seen in his map kamikaze_sc5 SORRY KAMI, DIDN'T USE STEREO, SOME wad ERRORS, BUT THANKS ANYWAY :?) Thanks to the beta testers public_slots_free.mL [cuzn]IronClaw.dS+M|M+ [Ops]c0rrupt[ConC].CzE Maj0r.dS KAWW+M|M+-AA- [SC2]***StormX2***{GEN} EnMiTy+M|M+ KaMiKaZe_KiD276 RaXoR[TG].CzE.iM-xC- RaPID_ARRoW[.CzE][.mL] [Ops]c0rrupt[ConC].CzE