============================================================= )))))))) -Concmap_Phantom created by PhantomLord- ((((((((((( ============================================================= / ...Created for extremely good concers... \ // -All jumps are possible \\ /// -Soldier course & Concing course \\\ +Bonus Jump ============================================================= )))))))) -Concmap_Phantom created by PhantomLord- ((((((((((( ============================================================= \\\ -This is my second map completed and released.. /// \\ -Thanks to the many beta testers: // -benny -Sabbath \ -Graffix -rar / -Blade -penix -Trojan -Psychodog -moose^vi -Necro -Caleb -Medic 3000 -Stareblade -GoldenScope -Raxor -Hotrod / =====Any to the many other that i forgot===== \ // -Ideas are my -Own- \\ /// -Hope you like my map :D!! \\\ -Thanks a FUCK load to the admins who constantly uploaded my betas to the server and the site thanks a ton! ( -Hotrod -Blade -Trojan ) -ThX ============================================================= )))))))) -Concmap_Phantom created by PhantomLord- ((((((((((( =============================================================