--Warning-- Concmap_My4 --Warning-- ----------------------------------- Use Your Concskillz To Finish This Map! ==================================== Another in the concmap_my series... enjoy! & i hope yer like it! ==================================== Usual bunch of reprebates tested! if they want a mention then... they can write the next bloody .txt :) ==================================== Compile time : 22min 47sec Build time : 6 Months Number of jumps: 9 Music tracks : 1 ==================================== contact: Email: Mysti_calXXX@hotmail.com Or Meet Me On #nc.guild - #l337-concerz - #conkuh - #php-net on Quakenet Map Testers are: [KuH]Dross [ConC]Xecuter-[nC]- Scorpion-xC- etc.....