-------------Welcome to Concmap_KICP4_final!------------- Objective----------------Practice conc skills! NOTE* This map was made to train you conc skills If you dont like concing then you will hate this map lol The grey telephone booth looking things are teleporters that can be used by people who have beat the map so they can teleport back and forth between jumps. If you try to use the teleporters and you havent beat the map then it will kill you. Hint* There are 5 hidden areas :P. Number of jumps: 9 Difficulty: Medium Time Taken to Construct: 2 days ************************************************ ------------- Map Made by [K]-ICP ------------ ------------- AKA Trane Ross ------------ -------- http://kicpserver.tripod.com -------- ************************************************ Beta testers: CaladiumX Smokey {USA} chip {USA} thatguy -TKR-Ghost pRiNcE kAhUnA