>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+< ConcMap CzE (Concerz Elite) Edition - Revised 6.26.2002 - by RaXoR.CzE RaPID_ARRoW.CzE >+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+< This map was originally made as a tryout map for CzE. There are eight jumps total. Our aim was to make this map the most challenging concmap out, and to extend the range of all concers' skill even further. Good luck...and may the conc be with you. >+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+< The Concerz Elite >+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+< The current members of the Concerz Elite: RaXoR.CzE (Leader) RaPID_ARRoW.CzE Krazymofo.CzE c0rrupt.CzE (Webmaster) Dark.CzE Dpx-killer.CzE .Netdisruptor..CzE Crusher.CzE Duncan Idaho.CzE Davy.CzE >+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+< Contact >+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+< CzE: Site .:=- http://concerzelite.cjb.net/ IRC .:=- #concerzelite @ irc.gamesnet.net RaXoR: E-Mail .:=- RaXoR245@aol.com AOL Screen Name .:=- RaXoR245 AIM Screen Name .:=- RaXoR246 ICQ # .:=- 106540168 RaPID_ARRoW: E-Mail .:=- krisp1@talk21.com ICQ # .:=- 49160838 >+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<+>+<