========<<<< Welcome to Concing >>>>========- This map is made to brush op un your concing skillz, it's inspired by the originel concmap NOT copied... I want to say thanks to the following people for helping me and beta testing my map: Jay[SSK] [8th]!FuSe! [BoB]Wimpie [FiXiT]Fury [FiXiT]ant [MaR]Aphex [MaR]WertyC [TsK]ZEB [BiA]Jongtan [BiA]foxer [SSK]Desorted Please if you tested my map but don't see your name listed, feel free to tell me and I'll be glad to add you... A special thanks goes to [8th]!FuSe! for posting my map on Shrimpwars.. Thanks Fuse I owe you one.. Have fun concing around, cya... [TCW]HighWire