======================================================== conc_sand ======================================================== Conc_sand is my very first map that I have tried to make visually appealing. The playability may not be the most fun - But the finding the secrets might. Try shooting random ledges and fences. Various things are breakable which may help aid you in your feat to complete the map. Teams: - Team 1 are the concing group. - Team 2 are the soldier group. - Team 3 and 4 are Deathmatch only. Team Notes: - Team 2 can ONLY be played if someone from Team 1 completes the map. When a Blue player does so - Soldiers equipped with QUAD are then available to try complete the map. Goodies: There are a total of 6 secrets in this map. 1) A key for which to bash open a door. 2) A TFC porno mag. 3) A key to detroy a cobble-like floor. 4) A flag dedicated to a speacial person. 5) A room concealing goodies - Made with love. 6) A room with windows containg a ball Out of reach. Enjoy :D! ======================================================== Creator: Koochy Build-Time: A month on and off Compile Time: 18mins 7secs ======================================================== Email: eddieofdoom@hotmail.com Web: www.ilikepencils.com/files/maps/ IRC: #sev-nz on Gamesnet ======================================================== Special thanks: Spoti Mario Dub Morganic ========================================================