----------========== Greetings Fellow Concers ==========---------- Map. Conc_home_r (revised 03-02-2002) ------------------------------------------------------------------ First a thank you to:- JJJJJ OOO BBBB A BBBB OOO BBBB J O O B B A A B B O O B B J O O BBBB AAAAA BBBB O O BBBB J J O O B B A A B B O O B B JJJ OOO BBBB A A BBBB OOO BBBB --------FOR THE "CROWN" MODEL USED IN THE MAP------- PLZ GO AND THANK HIM AT HIS SITE http://www.rsteele.btinternet.co.uk/ -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ An easy map for good concers, newb's might find some bits difficult. A couple of unusual jumps (i hope) Each teleport is encased in glass...breakable of course, Secrets. Well the would be telling ;) (hint 4) Bah...what to write. You know the score by now ------------------------------------------------------------------- Revised Text Changed 1st and 2nd Jumps slighty. Added a little more to end bit just for fun Added and moved a few teleports thus hopefully illiminating any telefrag or stuckness ------------------------------------------------------------------ Compile time...(way too long) Approx 45 mins (Compiled on a Celeron 667, 320 SDram, and a nice GF2 MX) New Textures. Yes (included in BSP) so no nasty wad files :) New Sounds. Yes (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Welp...you've read the text Go conc...and good luck Mr. A Nonie Mouse :) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to... Pieman *coughs* (better add that one) Hopping Mad (sorry Hop ya logo didnt go right) :( And everyones favorite server owner....Scribla :) Kind of a short list but...who cares. Testers... Erm...there wasn't any :P It's a 1st release map so be kind Comments....Paul_sub@hotmail.com Homelands webby...http://homelands-uk.org Homelands IP