========================== Conc_Home 2 (May 22th 2002) ========================== Welcome to my 2nd creation. Team 1 (Blue) ============= Scout or Medic Only. Use Concs to reach the end of the map. Look out for clues to the end secret. Team 2 (Red) ============ Civilians For those who like to spectate round a map before playing, I suggest you go red 1st. Red team is able to tour the map from the inside. Also 1 secret requires blue to assist red in order for blue to have access to it. Team 3 (Yellow) =============== Engineers Hopefully a new skillz section (Only a Short Map) Origional Idea by -=Sui=- and Flash Gordon while playing concmap2 as blue engi's Dispenser Jumping... 1) Build a Dispenser 2) Get Ammo and fill it up 3) Stand on it or in front 4) Jump up and down and blow it up Team 4 (Green) ============== Demoman Following in the Engineer course, a small pipejump map. =========================================== ALL TEAMS ARE ALLIED so there is no killing =========================================== Beta Testers:- ============== Scribla Flash Gordon -=< Hopping Mad >=- Cal RaxoR Dus World705 and anyone else i forgot :s Contact Paul_sub@hotmail.com