January 26, 2002 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title : Concmap - Hell Style Filename : conc_hell.zip Author : Sean "Insane" Murray Homepage : http://arvadamall.com/Sean Description : Team Fortress Classic Skill (conc) Map -Play Information- Single Player : No Team Fortress : Yes Number of Teams : 1 Reccomended # of Players: 1-16 people Deathmatch : No Difficulty : Medium -Construction Information- Based on : Doom(tm) By ID Software(R) Editor used : Worldcraft 3.3b (special DoE Release) and Zoner's Compile tools Known Bugs : none Build Time : A very long time. Compile Machine : PIII 667 w/ 256MB RAM HLCSG Time : 148.19 seconds elapsed [2m 28s] HLBSP Time : 24.00 seconds elapsed HLVIS Time(full) : 266.77 seconds elapsed [4m 26s] HLRAD Time : 601.76 seconds elapsed [10m 1s] Total Compile Time : 1040.72 seconds elapsed [17m 35s] Textures : Halflife.wad, tfc.wad, liquids.wad, gloom2.wad, and embedded texture file bloodwad.wad --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Install Information- All the files in the .zip file are pathed, so just tell the extractor to extract the files in your Half life Directory. Example : C:/Sierra/Halflife/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Story- The government has ordered a select group of surveyors (you) to go through and survey the area of Hell through a newly opened portal in one of their test labs. You are to use concussion grenades in oder to explore the entire area, since hell's landscape is harsh enough to be fatal if you were to step or fall in the wrong place. Survey the entire area untill you reach a portal that brings you back to the HQ lounge. You will be awarded hansomely once you complete the mission. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Additional Information- this concmap has 7 stages, all varying in the medium difficulty setting. Enjoy the atmosphere, thats what it's there for. Remember that every jump is possible. Have fun and enjoy the music. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Theme- Thanks to the game Doom by ID Software for the inspiration and design elements. The starting point of conc_hell looks similar to the first level of DoomII in order to create an immediate atmosphere. Thanks again ID Software for the Great Game. Textures- Gloom2.wad was made by Schwenz. Textures inspired by Doom by ID Software. the Gloom2.wad file in this zip has had some textures deleted in order to cut down on filesize. You can get the full unedited version at http://www.planethalflife.com/wadfather/ in their textures and sprites section. Bloodwad.wad was made by [WTF?]Evile Dick from mapping clan [WTF?]. If you are interested in mapping, stop by the Department of Engineering (DoE) and clan [WTF?] site at: http://doe.lowlife.com http://wtf.lowlife.com I have made 3 additional textures including the "map info" texture that i have added into the bloodwad.wad. Custom Sky- The sky was converted to Half Life Directly from the game Doom by ID Software. The conversion was done by Capt_tripps. This Environment map was fount at Wadfater. Sounds- Teleporter sound was extracted from the game DoomII. finishing tone, i have no clue where that came from. the 3 Music Files were thanks to HomeWrecker Beta Testers- Thanks goes to HomeWrecker and [cuzn]Ironclaw for testing this map out for any bugs or flaws. Other Thanks- Clan [CD] Creeping Death, my clan and the Oldest clan to exist in TFC Sites of Interest- Master Medics Home Page: http://hl.wwgaming.com/mastermedics/ Medical Lunatics Home Page: http://medlunatics.arenawars.net/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Copyright Information- conc_hell is copyright 2002 by Insane. Authors may use this map as a base to build aditional maps as long as they ask for my permission and give me credit for the work i have done that they are using. Please Do not just rename the map and say that it's yours, cause that is gay. You can e-mail me at sean_db@hotmail.com if you need to reach me.