THE GAME (-K- Edition) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SOMEWHERE IN BRAZIL MAY 27th, 1998 LITTLE ROCK TESTING FACILITY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Little Rock Testing Facility, somewhere in Brazil. Working co-operatively with the Rocky Mountains and the Black Mesa Research Facility on Xen space and organisms. Highly trained scientist have created a multitude of inventions using Xen technology... including the Teleportation system. Animal testing was'nt enough for the arrogant scientists of the LRTF. The composition of the human race would have a far different reaction to the Xenite minerals than that of the local monkey population. a nearby town... there were 34 reports of missing people within a single month. Very few clues point to the LRTF...and the police frankly haven't got the jurisdiction to investigate without proper evidence. Almost the big day. Along with the Black Mesa and the Rocky Mountains Research Facilities, the LRTF will attempt to open a portal between the 2 realms...Xen and Earth. From the testing on the innocent civilians the scientists concluded that the Xenite minerals would not be harmful to them. With nothing to do with these people since the testing is done they tossed them into a dark, musty cell. Then the mixed transmission from Black Mesa came... INCOMING TRANSMISSION: BLACK MESA *EVERYT*INGS GON* WRO*G. LE*VE TH* FAC*LIT* AT ON*E. GET O*T OF THE*E BEFO** THE RESON*NENC* CA*CADE SCE*ARIO!!*! GO GO *O G*! EV*CU*TE T*E FAC*LI** IM*EDIA*E*Y! G**D LU*K! BL*A* M**A OV*R AND OU*********** *TRANSMISSION DISCONTINUED* Many of the scientists...refusing the abort the project and not listening to there comrades...continued the mission. Everything went wrong. Almost everyones dead. Except the innocent civilians who are locked in a cell. As one of these civilians you must... ESCAPE!! Get out of the complex where there will most likely be a air convoy waiting for any survivors...