Soldier (Kristine Edition -K-) ** This map designed for the TeamFortress Classic 1.5 Half-Life mod ** October 20th, 2002 =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- O. Table of Contents O. Table of Contents I. Info II. Play Information III. Construction IV. Map Information V. Installation VI. Game Information VII. Beta Testers VIII. Note from Author IX. -K- X. Other Maps by Author XI. Special Thanks XII. Agreement I. Info =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Title : Soldier (Kristine Edition -K-) RMF/MAP : K_Soldier.RMF/K_Soldier.MAP Version : 1.0 (Final) Filename : K_Soldier.ZIP Size : 9 folders containing 23 files. 10.0mb. Author : Foster Hoskins ([=HK=]EnDeR-=F&K=-, Gladiator) Email Address : ICQ : 163615659 Description : A medium/hard rocket jump map with 14 jumps and a roomy DM arena. Objective : Complete the RJ course or blow your opponents to smithereens in the DM arena! Map Size : Medium/Large Number of Teams : 4 Class Restrictions : Teams 1 and 2 - Soldier Only Teams 3 and 4 - No Restrictions Recommended # of Players: 6+ (The more the merrier!) =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- II. Play Information: Single Player : No Co-op : No Teamfortress : Yes Deathmatch : No Difficulty Settings : Difficulty is based on your skill. Scoring Information : 25 points/frags per completion. 100 frags/25 points to first person. Player Spawn Points : 6 info_player_teamspawn Known Errors/Bugs : 1. Do not die while in video mode or you will be ruined for the rest of the map! 2. Map is too dark, what do you want? It's night time! 3. Leaf portals saw into leaf (VIS error), doesn't affect gameplay. =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- III. Construction: Base : None Software Used : WorldCraft3.3, Paint Shop Pro v 7 Free Evaluation, Half-Life Model Veiwer v 1.23, Wave Flow v 3.7 ShareWare, Wally v 1.55b, Microsoft PhotoDraw 2000 v 1, Zoners Half-Life Tools v2.2.2, and Chainsaws Batch File Compiler v 2. Map Started : January 31st, 2002 Map Completed : July 31st, 2002 Working Time : 50+ hours Compile Time : (Read K_Soldier.LOG) =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- IV. Map Information: New Textures : Yes (K_RJ.WAD embedded into the .BSP) New Sounds : Yes [4] (Congrats.WAV, water_flowing3.WAV, waters.WAV, thunder.WAV) New Skins\Models : Yes [1] (bluebird.MDL) New Sprites : No [0] New Music : Yes [3] (Silent.WAV, Hill.WAV, Silent2.WAV) New Sky : Yes Skybox Used : backalley CD Track # : 1 Solids : 2060 Faces : 13043 PointEntities : 651 SolidEntities : 354 Unique Textures : 156 Texture Memory : 6940416b (6.78mb) WADs used : k_rj.WAD, tfc.WAD, tfc2.WAD, halflife.WAD, liquids.WAD, decals.WAD Max Range : 4696 =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- V. Installation: Unzip K_Soldier.ZIP to C:\Sierra\Half-Life\ The Final Directory should look like this: tfc\ | *--K_Soldier.CFG | *--Maps | *--K_Soldier.BSP | *--K_Soldier.TXT | *--models | *--bluebird.MDL | *--sound | *--Kristine | *--Congrats.WAV | *--Silent.WAV | *--water_flowing3.WAV | *--waters.WAV | *--Hill.WAV | *--Silent2.WAV | *--thunder.WAV | *--gfx | *--env | *--backalleyup.TGA | *--backalleydn.TGA | *--backalleylf.TGA | *--backalleyrt.TGA | *--backalleybk.TGA | *--backalleyft.TGA | *--Kristine | *--Words | *--K_Soldier Readme.TXT | *--Rain-readme.TXT | *--TRAINS.DOC | *--K_Soldier.LOG | *--Images *--skin.JPG *--skin2.JPG *--Heart1.JPG =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- VI. Game Information: You are an elite soldier, nothing can stand in your way. This map takes place in a city and it's various outskirts: including a cave, a cabin, a reservoir, a sewer, and an air field. As the red or blue team you must use any and all of your rocket jumping skills to overcome each new obstacle. There are 14 jumps in total, when you surpass them you will be rewarded with 25 frags and access to the club. =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- VII. Beta Testers: Kristine :-D Myself =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- VIII. Note from Author: There are 14 jumps on this map, each of them hopefully getting progressively harder. I'm afraid of the map being too hard or too easy. This is the second skill jump map of the K series (the first one being K_ConcMap). Congrats.WAV of course is the voice of the most beautiful girl in the world ever, Kristine! :-D The three largely sized files of music are from the PS2 game 'Silent Hill 2' (very good game!) WAV Name | Original Song ------------------------------- Silent.WAV | Theme of Laura (Reprise) Hill.WAV | Promise (Reprise) Silent2.WAV | Heaven's Night 'water_flowing3.WAV' is from Gearbox's Half-Life: Opposing Force. The dull brick texture (ex: floor of DM arena) is from DeathMatch Classic. You may notice that many of the textures were enlarged to scale at most 2.50 times: I don't usually do this but I got the MAX_PATCHES exceeded error so I didn't have a choice really :P. Throughout the map you may notice moving cars, they don't lag the game too much. At jump 13, the scrolling textures are meant to give you the feel that your in a chase on a long country road :P... the only negative side here is how it's in full bright ('cept in OpenGL as far as I know). The final jump into the Osprey is probably easier then some of the other jumps. Each of the jumps require you to break something to go to the next jump (these could be metal, wood, glass, etc). Of course, when you start the map you get to see the blue chickens in the rain (this time with a little bit of a variance). The blue chicken model started as chick.MDL from the Counter-Strike mod, I extracted the skin.BMP of it with ModelViewer and changed it's color with PaintShopPro. The rain sprite was done by All of the vehicles in this map were made by Paveway except the osprey which was made by me. The secret at the end the ending to Conc_Hell by [CD]Insane. The new skybox is from the Counter-Strike modification, 'backalley'. I worked on this map quite hard immediately after K_Hostile. The DM arena was the last thing I added, it's meant for 1 on 1 action but it can turn into an allout rampage. I have nothing left to say except the most important... I love you soooo much Kristine!! :-D:-D:-D Good luck and God speed Soldier!!! last minute update: Just decided to move the thunderstorm of K_Hostile into K_Soldier. =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- IX. -K-: The -K- I refer to is not a clan by the way. The -K- is for Kristine, the love of my life, who also plays TFC. I am showing extra care for her by making her a complete map collection under the -K- title. Upcoming titles may include K_PipeDream K_ConcMap2* K_BlackHawk K_WarPath K_V-Hunted K_AntiRun* K_IceBowl* K_Fatality K_Invasion * - in the works =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- X. Other Maps by Author (in order of date): TFC: SnipaChica JumperZ JumperX JumperCTF TheGame Suicidals Driver_TFC Concmap_mL -K-: K_ConcMap K_SniperWar K_TheGame K_Hostile K_Soldier K_TheGame2 =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- XI. Special Thanks: Kristine for giving me meaning to live!!!! I love you baby!!! Valve Software and Sierra Studios for introducing the greatest game the world has ever seen, Half-Life Valve Software and Gearbox Software for introducing the sequal to the greatest game the world has ever seen, Half-Life: Opposing Force Valve Software for created the multiplayer Half-Life modification DeathMatch Classic. 'Vanilla Sky' with Tom Cruise and Kurt Russel just for being an amazing movie! (My new fav replacing 'Gladiator' with Russell Crowe - still a great movie!) No thanks to those rat-faced slime balls who said negative things about Cameron Crowe's Vanilla Sky! >:o SHAME! Clan [*S*]Storm for introducing me to the best TFC player ever Kristine! Kristine for everything! Chainsaw and Zoner for their great compiling tools! Paveway for his Truck and Army Truck prefabs! The United States of America The elite MeDiKaL Lun@tiK$ Concers and Flag Stealers guild, especially DP, pub, Spammy, Hard, and Daj. Chris (Nomad) for being a great friend. Silent Hill of the good ol' Playstation! Silent Hill 2 of the PlayStation 2! Akira Yamaoka, the genius behind Silent Hill's tense ambient music! The multiplayer Half-Life modification Counter-Strike...just for being an excellant mod (and for the model and sky) The multiplayer Half-Life modification Wanted for the log cabin textures. All the tutorials I read to get this far from my first map JumperZ (gack!). Kristine for the wonderful logo and her wonderful voice! (tfc\Kristine\Images\Heart1.JPG) (tfc\sound\Kristine\Congrats.WAV) Conc_Hell by [CD]Insane for the idea of the jukebox. Dus and Benn for being good friends. Other skill maps (including conc and pipe) for inspiring some of the jumps of K_Soldier! Info Design: Half-Life Editing Resource Center: The Handy Vandal: HL-Department of Engineering: Milk Half-Life ModelViewer, Paint Shop Pro, PhotoShop, PakExplorer, SkyPaint, WorldCraft, Windows Media Player, and WinZip. H o m e l a n d s [Skill server] for playing all of my old maps and hopefully this one soon :). (Thank scribla in particular.) IP - -AC-FruityBoy for getting me into Half-Life in the first place :). Server Admins for playing K_Soldier and any other -K- Edition maps. You, the player, for downloading and hopefully playing, the map. Did I thank Kristine yet? Thank You Kristine for all the love!!! =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Have fun and enjoy the map! =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- XII. Agreement: By downloading and playing this map you agree to this: Do NOT use this map as a base for any other map. If you wish to distribute the map to ANYONE it must be in ZIP format and contain ALL the folders and ALL the files from the original ZIP. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. Feel free to add this file in its original zip to any website or FTP site. Do NOT charge people for this map at all! Please Email me with any suggestions, bugs etc.