The Concussion Training Course (Kristine Edition -K-) **** This map designed for the TeamFortress Classic Half-Life mod **** July 19th, 2001 =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Title : The Concussion Training Course (Kristine Edition -K-) RMF\MAP : K_ConcMap.RMF\ K_ConcMap.MAP Version : 1.0 (Final) Filename : K_ConcMap.ZIP Size : 10 folders containing 27 files. 4.16mb. Author : Foster Hoskins (Gladiator) Email Address : Homepage : Under Construction ICQ : 108575806 Description : TeamFortress Classic ConcJump Challenge Map Number of Teams : 1 Recommended # of Players: 4-6 =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Play Information: Single Player : No Teamfortress : Yes Deathmatch : No Difficulty Settings : No Scoring Information : 500 frags and 500 teampoints for completing course. Player Spawn Points : 7 info_player_teamspawns =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Construction: Base : None Software Used : WorldCraft3.3 for the .BSP, Paint Shop Pro v 7 Free Evaluation for custom model skins, Half-Life Model Veiwer v 1.23 for the .MDL, Wave Flow v 3.x ShareWare for the .WAV, Half-Life Decal Converter for the .WAD, and Microsoft PhotoDraw 2000 v 1 for the logo (Kristine\Images\Heart1.JPG) Map Started : July 13th, 2001 Map Completed : July 19th, 2001 (I know its just a concmap and could've been completed in like 2 days but I kept running into problems and getting new designs, hence starting over and over again) Working Time : 1 week including all the times I was almost done and wanted to redo it (3 times). Maybe 15 working hours. Compile Time : (Read K_ConcMap.LOG) =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Map Information: New Textures : Yes (engaged.WAD) New Sounds : Yes (Congrats.WAV) New Skins\Models : Yes (bluebird.MDL) New Sprites : Yes (rain.SPR) New Sky : Yes (greenxx.TGA) CD Track # : 1 =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Installation: Unzip K_ConcMap.ZIP to C:\...\...\tfc\ The Final Directory should look like this: tfc\ *--engaged.WAD | *--Maps | *--K_ConcMap.BSP | *--K_ConcMap.TXT | *--gfx | *--env | *--greenbk.TGA | *--greenft.TGA | *--greenup.TGA | *--greendn.TGA | *--greenlf.TGA | *--greenrt.TGA | *--models | *--bluebird.MDL | *--sound | *--Kristine | *--Congrats.WAV | *--sprites | *--rain.SPR | *--Kristine | *--Words | *--K_ConcMap ReadMe.TXT | *--K_ConcMap.DOC | *--Rain-readme.TXT | *--Trains.DOC | *--K_ConcMap.LOG | *--Images *--skin.JPG *--skin2.JPG *--Camping.JPG *--Cascade.JPG *--RestStation.JPG *--ParkingLot.JPG *--Scenic.JPG *--BlueBird.JPG *--Heart1.JPG =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Play Information: This map is designed to give professional Concers a challenge. It was not, however, designed to teach new Concers. =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Note from Author: Sorry for the size of the map, I just hope you find it was worth it. About the lights...smack me please. Im sorry the lights are corny, I was never good with lights...many of my first maps didnt even have lights (circus effect)! This was because I HATED RAD! My computer isnt a very good compile machine and compiling this map with normal RAD wouldve took estimated 5 days!!!! So I just turned Bounce to 0 and decided it wasnt that bad...considering it took the compile time from 100 hours to 15 minutes ;). About the WAD, pardon the cheapness...I dont know how to make real WADs so I just used Half-Life Decal Converter to make the Heart1.JPG to a PLDECAL.WAD and then renamed it to engaged.WAD...good enough right? About the bluebirds...they're baby blue because thats Kristines favorite color :-). =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- -K-: The -K- I refer to is not a clan by the way. The -K- is for Kristine, my girlfriend, who also plays TFC. I am showing extra care for her by making her a complete map collection under the -K- title. Upcoming titles may include K_RJump K_PipeBomb K_Sniper K_FlagCapture K_CommandPoints K_KingOfTheHill K_DeathMatch K_Invasion Etc. The reason you have alot of folders in the ZIP is to spread the -K- title further than just maps. The Kristine folder in tfc will continue to fill with files if you continue to download maps of the -K- series. =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Other Maps by Author (in order of date): TFC: SnipaChica JumperZ JumperX JumperCTF TheGame Suicidals Driver_TFC Storm: Under Construction =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Special Thanks: Valve Software and Sierra Studios for introducing the greatest game the world has ever seen, Half-Life. Clan [*S*]Storm for introducing me to the best TFC player ever Kristine! Kristine for everything! All the tutorials I read to get this far from my first map JumperZ (gack!). Kristine for the wonderful logo and her wonderful voice! (tfc\Kristine\Images\Heart1.JPG) (tfc\sound\Kristine\Congrats.WAV) Info Design: Half-Life Editing Resource Center: Server Administrators for playing K_ConcMap and any other -K- Edition maps. You, the player, for downloading and hopefully playing, the map. Did I thank Kristine yet? Thank You Kristine for all love!!! =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Have fun and enjoy the map! =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Agreement: By downloading and playing this map you agree to this: Do NOT use this map as a base for any other map. If you wish to distribute the map to ANYONE it must be in ZIP format and contain ALL the folders and ALL the files from the original ZIP. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. Please Email me with any suggestions, bugs etc , Thanks.